Through high-ticket sales and scalability

GUIDING ENTREPRENEURS TO unlock new income levels

high ticket sales coaching

I'm a financial analyst turned business coach, who has made it her mission to help female entrepreneurs unlock their gifts and scale their business to new heights. I specialize in high ticket coaching and sales mastery, to help you unlock your limitless potential and scale your business on your own terms.

Hey, I'm Mary,
founder and Business Expert

Courageous / VISIONAIRY / LIMITLESS THINKER / Extrovert / Intuitive / Curious / ADVENTURE SEEKING / Wildly Ambitious

at a glance

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melany, linkedin specialist

'I tripled my revenue within the first month of the Mastermind and signed four new clients'

lindsey, mindset coach

'Having Mary as my coach has truly transformed me and my business in a million ways'

An insight into my six figure launch strategy


The mindset shifts that changed my business


Behind the scenes of my signature minimind


How to outsource and take back your time


What I learned from my 20K mentor investment


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with your host mary

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If you desire to have a sustainable way of making sales without constant launching, you need to design your offers for limitless scalability with this exclusive masterclass.

Watch the Free Masterclass:
Strategic Offer Suite